This qr code is generated in currently I am looking into C# qrcoder open source on how to change the body shape and the eye frame shape ...
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There is other problem. POST gives QR with circles but GET gives with normal squares. GET needs to convert config to json to get circles."config": json.dumps({"body":"circle"}) (but it doesn't need urlencode) Full code. import requests. #from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode. import json.
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If that's true, following the qrcode-monkey API documentation you'll have to invoke (in this case) express to issue either a GET or POST request to the correct end point /qr/transparent with the required data both in the request body and head. this is documented in the link you provided
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I'm setting up a website that will be mobile focused and one of the features I wan't to implement is users to be able to log an entry by just scanning a QR code. For what I read is not really possible to make a POST request directly from a QR code, so I was thinking in two different options: 1. Make a GET request and then redirect that inside ...
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Some of the vCards (not encoded in a QR code yet) can be successfully imported to Google Contacts, including the photo. But when encoded in a QR code (using or, the vCard is always read WITHOUT the photo, using any of the following QR code readers for Android: Google Goggles. QR Code Reader (Scan, Inc.)
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2. For high resolution (vector image) QR code for printing/publishing: Get your free QR code. Right-click-and-save OR PrintScreen the QR code. Open/insert it in Photoshop, crop the QR code, and save as *.psd file (default Photoshop format) Open that *.psd file with Adobe Illustrator – and you get the vector QR code. DONE!
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We are using a lot of QR code around our office. I would like to know if we can generate QR code with a small company logo in the middle. I have seen few examples online. But I want it to generat...
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What I'm trying to do is to generate a QR code based on the Device Id to later download it. I figured out how to generate it, it shows OK on the page, everything is ok but is there any possible way to download it? (the QR image, it's a .png) import QRCode from 'qrcode.react'; render() { return ( <QRCode value={this.state.values.deviceId} /> )};
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I want to ask about how to use the API code from QRCode-Monkey to generate simple QR Code. The documentation is just telling you the request URL, method, and body request, without telling us how this is should be performed? The Request Body is a JSON, where or how should I put them in my simple HTML? Request URL : /qr/custom
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im creating an android app to scan qr code and redirect into that url automatically. now i have an app which scans the qr code and displays a pop up of the url with a"visit" button..when clicked will redirect me to that url .But i want to skip that pop up process and let me scan the qr code and automatically goes to that url without any pop up ...
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